Facial Weight Progression and Regression with Deep Learning


The field of digital content authoring tools presents a multitude of opportunities for creators and businesses alike. With the rise of digital platforms and online content consumption, there is a growing demand for tools that facilitate the customisation of engaging digital content. In the area of facial transformations, there is a lack of an efficient and user-friendly method for performing automatic facial weight transformations. Traditional approaches may require significant amounts of labeled image data and may not generate realistic or high-quality transformations. This introduces an opportunity to introduce a framework that overcomes these limitations and provides a solution for seamless and realistic facial weight adjustments with deep learning. 

Our Innovation

Our innovation introduces an advanced framework, designed to employ cutting-edge deep-learning technology for automatic facial weight transformations. With this framework, users can seamlessly adjust the weight of an input face image to achieve a heavier or thinner appearance. Notably, this approach excels in producing realistic and high-quality transformations, all while minimising the need for extensive labeled image data. To showcase the capabilities of this framework, a web application has been developed that provides sample outputs using diverse public datasets. Furthermore, the framework holds potential for integration into health interventions, enabling individuals to witness the visual impact of their dietary choices on their appearance and ultimately motivating them towards healthier food options. 

This technology encompasses a range of facial image transformation solutions including an image processing module responsible for preprocessing and latent space embedding. Additionally, there is a facial weight transformation module that enables users to adjust the weight of facial features. To provide a seamless user experience, a web application has been developed, allowing users to experiment with facial-weight transformations using a curated set of images. 



Realistic and high-quality transformations 

  • Seamless and user-friendly experience without the need for specialized skills or extensive manual effort. 
  • Reduced dependency on labeled image data as it requires fewer resources to generate accurate and reliable transformations. 
  • By visualizing the potential consequences of dietary choices on appearance, individuals can be motivated to make healthier food choices.  
  • The versatility of these transformations allows for a wide range of applications and creative possibilities. 



The technology is applicable to the following industrial scenarios: 
Wellness & Healthcare;

  • Automated face transformation for visualizing the future impacts of their behaviour on appearance and motivating healthy food choices. 
  • Intelligent food journal that visually translates energy intake balance to future weight gain/loss. 
  • Intelligent fitness tracking app that predicts facial weight change from physical activity data. 


Social Media   

    Quick face shape editing tool and plugin for photo editing software. 


If you're interested in this technology, please contact KTC.