W8-Scope: Fine-Grained Monitoring of Weight Stack-based Exercises


Fine-grained and personalized monitoring of gym exercises is essential for users to track their progress, improve their routines, and prevent injuries. Existing approaches using wearable sensors or video sensing have limitations in terms of user engagement, privacy concerns, and accuracy in multi-user settings. There is a need for a cost-effective and unobtrusive technology that provides accurate insights into multiple aspects of gym exercise behavior. 


Our Innovation

We have developed a breakthrough solution that utilizes a simple sensor mounted on gym exercise machines to obtain fine-grained insights into exercise routines. The sensor consists of a 3-axis accelerometer and a 3-axis magnetometer, which track the motion and weight used during exercises. By analyzing the sensor data, our technology can identify the user, track the specific exercise being performed, monitor the weight lifted, and identify correct exercise form. 



  • Users can track their exercise routines, progress, and performance, receiving personalized coaching from a "virtual trainer." 
  • Gyms and activity centers can offer valuable personalized feedback to users at a low cost, increasing customer engagement and satisfaction. 
  • Mobile and wearable app developers can integrate gym activity into wellness and healthy living apps, expanding their offerings. 



  • "Virtual Personal Trainer" application: Provides advanced analytics and personalized feedback. 
  • Helps users identify mistakes in their exercises and target specific muscle groups for improvement. 
  • Offers exercise variety suggestions and tracks muscle training consistency across sessions. 
  • Relevant for fitness enthusiasts of all demographics, including teenagers, active adults, and the elderly. 
  • Benefits gyms, activity centers, and app developers looking to enhance their fitness offerings. 

If you're interested in this technology, please contact KTC.