Wearable-Based Consumer Activity Tracking for Eating & Retail



Researchers in healthcare and retail domains face challenges in capturing and analyzing personalized lifestyle data. Existing approaches require manual effort or extensive infrastructure deployment, resulting in inefficiency and privacy concerns. For example, tracking eating behavior relies on individuals manually uploading pictures or entering data into digital journals, while retail analysis relies on in-store cameras without customer identification. There is a need for a technology that reduces human effort and privacy concerns while capturing and analyzing personalized lifestyle data. 


Our Innovation

We have developed cutting-edge technology that leverages automated, smart sensing using personal devices like smartphones and smartwatches. Our solution utilizes inertial sensors and embedded cameras in smartwatches to capture eating behavior and diet choices. Additionally, we utilize the inertial and Radio Frequency (RF) sensors in smartphones and smartwatches to capture in-store interactions and build detailed profiles for shoppers. By integrating machine learning into custom applications on commercially available devices, our technology identifies various aspects of targeted activities (eating and shopping) with high accuracy and efficiency. 


  • Unobtrusive and automatic monitoring of eating and shopping behaviors. 
  • Comprehensive identification of multiple activities through a single system. 
  • Smart analytics provide valuable insights for researchers and industries. 
  • Saves human effort and reduces the need for manual data entry. 
  • Improved privacy compared to traditional methods like in-store cameras. 
  • Enables personalized feedback and intervention for healthy choices. 



  • Shopper Analytics: 
    - Benefits retail industry ecosystem, including store operators and advertisers. 
    - Relevance to consumer healthcare industry sectors. 
  • Food/Eating Analytics: 
    - Primarily applicable in consumer healthcare and wellness. 
    - Monitoring food intake, elderly health monitoring, allergy identification.
    - Use by public sector health and wellness organizations for feedback and intervention.

If you're interested in this technology, please contact KTC.