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Breathing Mode Monitoring Using In-Ear Microphones

Breathing mode, whether oral or nasal, holds significance in both performance sports and sleep quality. Nasal breathing is favored during endurance activities like distance running due to its efficiency in air filtration, humidification, and warming, which enhances oxygen exchange and reduces respiratory discomfort. Moreover, nasal breathing encourages better pacing control and endurance through diaphragmatic breathing. While oral breathing may be advantageous during high-intensity bursts of activity, the choice between nasal and oral breathing depends on individual factors such as fitness level and respiratory health. Similarly, in sleep, nasal breathing plays a crucial role in maintaining optimal airflow, promoting efficient oxygen exchange, and reducing the risk of respiratory issues like snoring and sleep apnea. Conversely, chronic oral breathing during sleep can lead to various problems, including disruptions in sleep patterns and increased risk of respiratory infections and dental issues. Therefore, having the ability to monitor and effect change in the breathing mode, whether oral or nasal, can contribute to overall respiratory health and well-being of individuals engaging in sport or health and wellness activities.

Automate Training & Assessment with the Power of AI

With the advent of AI, skill gaps are widening globally and need for continuous re-skilling of human resources is one of the top priorities. In many corporations, employees need to be re-trained and re-assessed, often without access to curated content. Typically, they rely on raw resources or documentations dispersed across different data sources and formats to acquire the knowledge to perform a job effectively. This learning process is sluggish and slow and exasperates the employees if the content is being updated constantly, e.g., specifications for new products or machines, features and service support for new offerings or subscriptions and so on.  

Tackling Malware Threats on Android Environment

The prevalence of sophisticated malware threats has risen significantly, posing serious risks to computer systems by inflicting substantial damage, compromising sensitive data, and resulting in financial losses. Recent incidents, such as hackers targeting  Android users with a trojanised version of the Telegram app , and Google suspending an  e-commerce app Pinduoduo over malware concerns, highlight the urgency for robust mobile security solutions. It is noteworthy that Android devices, constituting approximately 70% of the global market share , are particularly vulnerable, emphasizing the critical importance of effective security measures in this widely utilised environment. 

Web-Scale Discovery and Integration of Comparative Product Offers

Online shopping offers consumers a wide range of products from various e-commerce platforms. To compare prices, users need to search multiple sites, collect and organize data, and identify identical products. This manual process is tedious and time-consuming.

Enhancing Data Literacy Education through Game-Based Approach in School Curriculum

To foster a data-literate community within a smart nation and digital economy, it is crucial to start developing data literacy skills among students who will shape our digital future. However, the current landscape lacks effective and engaging tools that can teach data literacy to students. By combining entertainment through gamification with the learning of subjects like geography, social studies, and accounting, students can develop their analytical thinking skills while acquiring essential knowledge for a data-driven future. 

ERICA: Enabling Real-time Mistake Detection & Corrective Feedback on Free-Weights Exercise

There are inherent risks and challenges involved in performing free-weights exercise without proper supervision. This lack of real-time feedback and guidance leaves room for potential mistakes that can lead to injuries or diminish the effectiveness of the workout. Hence, there is a need for a reliable and accessible solution that can provide instant feedback and corrective guidance to individuals performing free-weights exercises, ensuring their safety, and optimizing the results they achieve. 

Foodbot: Empowering Healthy Eating through Goal-oriented Chatbot Intervention

With increasing attention on healthy eating habits, there is still a lack of tools to motivate, personalise and provide timely support to those who need it in the general population. Personalized guidance considers preferences and dietary restrictions for long-term adherence as well as helping to prevent diet-related diseases. With more personalized and timely support, it can motivate individuals to sustain healthy eating habits. 

skillER: Effortless Skill Mention Extraction from Job Ads

Identifying skills mentioned in a job advertisement is crucial for both job seekers and employers. For agencies, public or private, that are tasked to provide job matching services, it optimizes recruitment practices and ensures a good fit between candidates and job requirements.

Facial Weight Progression and Regression with Deep Learning

With the rise of digital platforms and online content consumption, there is a growing demand for tools that facilitate the customisation of engaging digital content. Traditional approaches may require significant amounts of labeled image data and may not generate realistic or high-quality transformations. This introduces an opportunity to introduce a framework that overcomes these limitations and provides a solution for seamless and realistic facial weight adjustments with deep learning. 

Generative Pre-training Based Cooking Recipe Generation and Evaluation System

Advancements in AI have fueled a growing interest in the automatic generation of cooking recipes. With the abundance of online cooking recipes, a cutting-edge application called CulinAI—an intelligent system for recipe generation and evaluation has been developed that leverages AI to create innovative cooking recipes and instructions.