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Meet Dexter - Student Community Manager at The Greenhouse

Wednesday May 15,2024 | IIE News

Meet SCM Dexter

Impressed by the newly revamped website of The Greenhouse? Meet Dexter, our Student Community Manager. Dexter, a Year 2 Computer Science student specializing in IT Solution Development & Cybersecurity, played a crucial role in planning and executing this amazing project! Dexter enjoys trekking, building side projects and website clones. Currently, he is working towards his career aspirations of being a successful engineer in product management, customer success and solutions. Join Dexter as he shares how his involvement with The Greenhouse is supporting his goals!


🚀 Check out impactful events happening at The Greenhouse!


Q: What motivated you to join the Greenhouse Committee, and what do you hope to achieve through your involvement?

D: Driven by my inclination towards problem-solving, I've always been captivated by the startup ecosystem. I'm eager to explore different business models and the different values they bring. As someone passionate about product management, it is crucial for me to learn to build impactful products with minimal overhead. I see engaging with Greenhouse founders as a chance to gain firsthand insights into this process!

Q: Can you share a specific project or initiative that you spearheaded or contributed to as a member of the Greenhouse Committee? 

D: As a Product Lead, I drove the overhaul of the Greenhouse website from inception to launch. This encompassed guiding the team through brainstorming, development, user testing, and preparation for launch. With a focus on the user, we segmented our audience and identified their pain points before devising our solution. We also maintained a product backlog to collect feedback and future requests for development. The project was divided into two phases to manage the implementation of features effectively.

Ultimately, the revamped website positioned the Greenhouse as a hub for changemakers and promoted venue sponsorship for innovation-themed events. This initiative supported our broader mission of nurturing a dynamic innovation community.

Q: What is one of your biggest takeaways during your time at the Greenhouse? 

D: During the Business Innovations Generator (BIG) Idea Surgery event at The Greenhouse, I had the opportunity to share what I learnt from my class with the aspiring founders attending the event. I talked about the value proposition canvas as a framework that product builders use to position their product in solving user pain points and maximising optimal value.

The framework allowed budding founders to better frame their business idea and sharpen their bearings around customer requirements and scoping their minimum viable product.

Meet Dexter

Picture: Dexter sharing ideas at the Business Innovations Generator (BIG) Idea Surgery event

Q: What advice would you give to other students who are interested in applying for this role?

D: Having an inquisitive mind is essential for success in this role. Even if you come from a technical background like mine, there's much to learn from community building! You'll discover how to engage different community members, leveraging their unique strengths to bolster community cohesion. You'll also see how theoretical concepts align with the realities of community building, navigating the challenges of translating theoretical computational problems into real-world scenarios.

Q: How do you juggle the time between your studies and managing various projects at the Greenhouse?

D: To effectively manage my time, I make sure to maintain a clear overview of all the outstanding tasks as well as understand my priorities and task dependencies. As a computing student, I find that my work at the Greenhouse complements my studies!

For instance, concepts learned in CS206 Software Product Management, such as user segmentation and product discovery, directly contribute to driving the success of the website revamp.

Q: Tell us one interesting person you met at the Greenhouse or SMU who left an impression on you.

D: I met Joel - a venture builder at an event for the Xoogler community, where we delved into the topic of innovation. His perspective on product discovery challenges struck a chord with me. Joel stressed the significance of empathy in grasping people's needs, advocating for immersing ourselves in their daily lives to truly understand their work intricacies. By deeply internalising their pain points, we can uncover opportunities for innovation. Joel's insights underscored the importance of targeted innovation rooted in a deep understanding of user experiences and needs.

Q: How has your experience as a committee member of the Greenhouse contributed to your personal and professional growth?

D: Working cross-functionally enabled me to engage with a diverse range of stakeholders, enhancing my skills in management communications and stakeholder management!

Additionally, participating in talks and events has enriched my understanding of product positioning and strategy. Teaching the value proposition canvas to aspiring founders has further strengthened my confidence in crafting product management strategies that ignite inspiration in others.

Meet SCM Dexter

Picture: Dexter with other students and SMU IIE's staff after an event at the Greenhouse

Connect with Dexter on his LinkedIn HERE!

Interested in becoming a Student Committee Manager at The Greenhouse like Dexter? We're always looking for a smart, resourceful and passionate student to join our Greenhouse committee! View the job description HERE and contact us at 


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