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Meet Jermaine - Student Community Manager at The Greenhouse

Tuesday Apr 23,2024 | IIE News

Meet SCM Jermaine

As a Student Community Manager (SCM), Jermaine strategically juggles between her studies as a Year 2 Business student majoring in Communications Management & Marketing Analytics while devoting her time to build the success of The Greenhouse events. Jermaine enjoys travelling, hanging out with friends, reading and giving back to our community. As she explores the communications and marketing industries to realise her aspirations in impactful storytelling and making a difference to the world, Jermaine shares how her active involvement with The Greenhouse plays a part in her career goals.


🚀 Check out impactful events happening at The Greenhouse!


Can you describe your role and responsibilities as a Greenhouse Committee Manager?

Jermaine (J): As the SCM responsible for all-things marketing at The Greenhouse, my job is to find innovative ways to generate buzz and awareness for our diverse range of events.

Q: What motivated you to join the Greenhouse Committee, and what do you hope to achieve through your involvement?

J: I've always loved being a part of a vibrant community, and The Greenhouse immediately caught my attention for its dynamic atmosphere. I'm eager to engage with individuals from various industries and immerse myself in diverse perspectives, fostering an environment of continuous learning and growth.

Q: What advice would you give to other students who are interested in applying for this role?

J: Have an open mind and always be ready to learn!

Q: What's the most memorable event that you attended at The Greenhouse and any key takeaways?

J: Yes, the first TGIF event! The SCM team organised a weekly TGIF @ The Greenhouse session throughout the month of March and we invited the student leaders from various clubs in SMU for our first TGIF! It provided me with a valuable opportunity to connect with other student leaders that I have not met before. As a student leader myself, it was enlightening to learn about their respective clubs and understand their needs and objectives.

Q: How do you juggle the time between your studies and managing various projects at the Greenhouse?

J: The Greenhouse provides an ideal environment that enables me to balance my study with my work responsibilities seamlessly.

Q: What’s your favorite part about being a Community Manager at the Greenhouse?

J: It has undeniably been the relationships I've built and the camaraderie shared with my fellow SCMs! I have made many amazing memories with this bunch at the Greenhouse that I hold dear!

Jermaine with fellow SCMs

Picture: Jermaine celebrating her birthday with her fellow SCMs

Q: Who's the most interesting person you met through your time with the Greenhouse, and why?

J: It would have to be Mr. Tian Chong Ng, the CEO of Singtel, and Sean, an SMU graduate working there. I had the pleasure of meeting them during an A*GN Platinum Fireside Chat event at The Greenhouse. Their insights into how companies structure their management associate programs were incredibly enlightening!

Q: How has your experience as a committee member of the Greenhouse contributed to your personal and professional growth?

J: This experience has greatly broadened my perspective on how my skills and interests can be applied across various industries!

Jermaine's Happy Corner at The Greenhouse: 

The counter at the Greenhouse entrance! It serves a dual purpose for me. Not only does it provide me with a space to work efficiently, but it also allows me to assist any startup founders who need help!


Connect with Jermaine on her LinkedIn HERE!

Interested in becoming a Student Committee Manager at The Greenhouse like Jermaine? We're always looking for a smart, resourceful and passionate student to join our Greenhouse committee! Email your interest to iie [at]


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