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Meet Yuguang - Student Community Manager at The Greenhouse

Monday Apr 08,2024 | IIE News

Yuguang - Student Community Manager


If you've ever strolled past or joined in any of the innovation and entrepreneurship (I&E) gatherings at The Greenhouse, chances are you've encountered YuGuang, a Year 2 Law student at SMU, who currently holds the role of Student Community Manager! YuGuang takes pleasure in socializing with friends, hitting the gym, going for runs, exploring new places, and enjoying lazy days binge-watching Netflix or TikTok. As he aspires to forge a successful path as a lawyer or legal counsel, and ultimately, as an entrepreneur, Yuguang shares how his involvement with The Greenhouse is contributing to his career ambitions.

🚀 Check out impactful events happening at The Greenhouse!


Q: What exactly do you do as a Student Community Manager at The Greenhouse?

YuGuang (YG): As the head orchestrator of strategy and partnerships at The Greenhouse, my role revolves around guiding our internal SMU student community while fostering corporate communications with external collaborators. Spearheading initiatives like community asset mapping and engaging diverse stakeholders such as the founder of Asian Token Fund and the managing partner of Cooley SG LLP - has been a hallmark of my tenure.

Q: What motivated you to join the Greenhouse Committee, and what do you hope to achieve through your involvement?

YG: I was always interested in innovation and entrepreneurship as I had always dreamed of starting my own company and growing it from the ground up. As such I Join the Greenhouse committee, hoping to get exposure to the start-up community, and gain insights from the founders and VCs in this inspiring ecosystem.

Q: Can you share a specific project or initiative that you spearheaded or contributed to as a member of the committee?

YG: Leading the community asset mapping initiative was a highlight! From sourcing and mapping key student bodies to orchestrating flagship events like our first-ever TGIF series - where we invited the student leaders of the student clubs down to the Greenhouse to mingle and network with each other, the project fostered vibrant connections within the SMU community! I also helped to streamline the venue booking processes.

Q: What advice would you give to other students who are interested in applying for this role?

YG: While the role of SCM can be demanding, passion and purpose make the journey rewarding! One tip will be to join with your friends – it will be much more fun!

Q: How do you juggle the time between your studies and managing various projects at the Greenhouse?

YG: I believe that as SCM, we are always students first, and community managers second. I prioritise my schoolwork as it is my primary duty as a student. However, I also make sure to be always accountable while at work – I make sure deadlines are met and if I am unable to, I will seek help from my fellow SCMs! In return, I will help my fellow SCMs when they need help!

Q: What’s your favorite part about being a Community Manager at the Greenhouse?

YG: My fellow SCMs and boss Gabrielle have been influential mentors, inspiring personal growth and camaraderie throughout my journey! They have become my great friends as well!

The Greenhouse Student Community Managers

The Greenhouse Student Community Managers team from left to right: Jermaine, Ethan, Dexter, Tricia and Yuguang.

Q: How has your experience as a committee member of the Greenhouse contributed to your personal and professional growth?

YG: Steadfast, Committed, Malleable. This is the crucial mindset I have taken away from my tenure at the Greenhouse. Steadfast in always striving to deliver the best I can. Committed to the vision of excellence. Malleable where I can be flexible and always humble to learn from everyone!

YuGuang's Happy Corner at The Greenhouse: 

Level 3 desks. They are very quiet, and we can talk while studying. They are also close to the pantry area where we can eat and drink!

The Greenhouse Level 3

Working desks at The Greenhouse Level 3


Connect with Yuguang on his LinkedIn HERE!

Interested in becoming a Student Committee Manager at The Greenhouse like Yuguang? We're always looking for a smart, resourceful and passionate student to join our Greenhouse committee! Email your interest to iie [at]


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