Panel Discussion on Innovation & the Start-Up Ecosystem in India and Singapore

India is witnessing a major start-up revolution with its low-cost innovative solutions, links to the Silicon Valley and a very large information technology-savvy workforce. Similarly, Singapore is undergoing several structural changes, and its global financial hub status and the government’s smart-nation initiative have resulted in a significant growth in its start-up ecosystem.
Both India and Singapore have different experiences in the innovation and start-up ecosystems. Linking the two and a sharing of their experiences will substantially benefit entrepreneurs, investor and businesses on both sides.
<p><br />

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<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2">
<p>Registration &amp; Tea/Coffee</p>

<p>Venue: Foyer, Level 5, Administration Building</p>
<p>Participants to be seated</p>
<p>Address -&nbsp;Innovation and the Start-Up Ecosystem in India</p>

<p>Mr TV Mohandas Pai</p>

<p>Chairman, Aarin Capital Partners,&nbsp;Manipal Global Education and Former Member of the Board of Directors, Infosys, India</p>
<p>Panel Discussion</p>

<p>Innovation and the Start-Up Ecosystem in India and Singapore</p>

<p>Mr Mohandas Pai<br />
Chairman, Aarin Capital Partners,&nbsp;Manipal Global Education&nbsp;and Former Member of the Board of Directors, infosys, India&nbsp;</p>

<p>Professor Gerard George<br />
Dean, Lee Kong Chian School of Business and Lee Kong Chian Chair Professor of Innovation &amp; Entrepreneurship,&nbsp;Singapore Management University</p>

<p>Mr Girija Pande <em>(Moderator)</em><br />
Executive Chairman,&nbsp;Apex Avalon Consulting Pte Ltd</p>

<p>Mr Puneet Pushkarna<br />
General Partner, Solmark Inc and Chairman, The indus Entrepreneurs,&nbsp;Singapore Chapter</p>
<p>Dinner Reception</p>


<p><span><span><strong>IMPORTANT NOTICE:</strong><br />
<em>Admission is by registration only and Rights of admission reserved!</em></span></span></p>

<p><span><span><em>Note: Registration with&nbsp;SMU ​email ​account&nbsp;for ​SMU ​Staff, ​Faculty, Alumni&nbsp;&amp; ​Students is required. With exception for Alumni, Associates/Affiliates, Mentors, Investors&nbsp;&amp; members of the public/visitors where registration using their company/corporate and&nbsp;personal valid email ID is allowed.&nbsp;</em></span></span></p>
<div> <p><img class="img-responsive" src="/sites/" /></p> <div class="rteleft"><span><span><strong>Mr Mohandas Pai</strong></span></span></div> <div class="rteleft"><span><span>Chairman, Aarin Capital Partners<br
Date/Time Start
<div>Mochtar Riady Auditorium
<div>SMU Admin Building, Level 5</div>

<div>81 Victoria Street</div>

<div>Singapore 188065</div>

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