God’s Revenge, Bamboo Trees and Other Stories

Suresh Shankar is founder of Crayon Data, one of Asia’s hottest big data players. As a big data and analytics evangelist, Suresh has pioneered start-ups with entrepreneurial panache.

Suresh spent the first 15 years of his 30-year career in sales, marketing, advertising, media and banking. He has witnessed the transformation of marketing from a right to a left brained pursuit. His expertise in customer analytics was the foundation for his first start-up, RedPill Analytics, set up in 2000 in Singapore. Business leader IBM acquired RedPill in 2009.

Crayon is his second stint at entrepreneurship. Recognised today as one of the world’s top big data companies, Crayon is on a mission to simplify the world’s choices with its SimplerChoicesTM platform and products - MAYATM. Crayon has been one of the only Asian players to consistently win global recognition.

As a leader of the 'choice revolution’, Suresh has been invited to share his future-ready thinking at several forums and events including, Rise (Hong Kong), Retail Forum 2015 (Singapore), Innovfest unBound, (Singapore), Gamechangers Forum 4, Hong Kong, to name a few. Suresh has also moderated fireside chats with business and other leaders from RN Tata, CEOs around Asia, to leading Singapore ministers and sports celebrities.

At work, Suresh conceptualizes Crayon’s choice engine MayaTM, built on a unique global TasteGraphTM, both of which herald the new algorithmic era of marketing.

Suresh excels in spotting consumer and technology trends way ahead of time and loves working with sparky people, who see things as they think it should be, and not as they are; with daring clients who are willing to shape the future, together with courageous investors who are putting their monies behind his ideas in creating a new choice engine that will dominate the world.

Speaker Summary



<div><strong>Mr. Suresh V Shankar</strong></div>

<div>Founder &amp; CEO of Crayon Data</div>

<div>Big Data and Analytics Evangelist | Entrepreneur &amp; Innovator</div>
<p><br />

<hr />
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2">
<p>&nbsp; &nbsp;Registration</p>
<p>&nbsp; Welcome &amp; talk commences</p>
<p>&nbsp; Q&amp;A</p>
<p>&nbsp; Networking cum buffet lunch</p>



<div><em>Open&nbsp;​to&nbsp;​SMU&nbsp;​Alumni,&nbsp;​Staff,&nbsp;​Faculty,&nbsp;​Students &amp; Associates&nbsp;Only!</em><br />


<div><strong>IMPORTANT NOTICE:</strong><br />
<em>Admission is by registration only. Rights of admission reserved!</em></div>
Date/Time Start
<div>Function Room 6-1, Level 6
<div>SMU Admin Building</div>

<div>81 Victoria Street</div>

<div>Singapore 188065</div>

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