Unmish Parthasarathi
Founder and Executive Director
Picture Board Partners
Unmish brings a rare mix of competencies that includes multi-media content creation, video-based product development, strategy & sales coupled with a deep understanding of partnership development and cross cultural collaboration in Asia & Europe.
Unmish's international profile and contact networks are the result of 20 years in leadership role at blue-chip firms such as IMG Media (Endeavour), BBC Technology, ESPN STAR Sports, Fox International Channels (FIC), News Corp., Scripps Interactive Networks (now owned by Discovery) and the International Cricket Council.
Educated at St. Stephen's College (Delhi), Cambridge University (UK) and London Business School, Unmish promotes entrepreneurship via institutional collaborations with Jungle Ventures (as Venture Partner) and TiE Singapore (Charter Member) and also mentors startups (in MediaTech, VideoTech & SportsTech) in a personal capacity.