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BIG Feature: Decarbonization - The Revolution Reshaping Our World

Tuesday Mar 26,2024 | IIE News


Byline By Ian Chew



The urgency of the climate crisis demands action, but it also drives a wave of groundbreaking innovation. Decarbonization isn't simply a reduction in emissions; it's a transformation encompassing every aspect of our economy and society. As we explore the key trends shaping this greener future, it becomes clear that our collective effort is pivotal in turning the tide against climate change.

Renewable energy is rapidly becoming the norm. Wind, solar, and hydro are overcoming traditional fossil fuels as costs plummet and efficiency soars. According to BloombergNEF's 2023 New Energy Outlook, solar alone is predicted to supply 38% of global power demand by 2050 (Kobayashi & Schreffler, 2023). Advances in battery storage technology are ensuring grid reliability, signifying a fundamental shift in our energy production paradigms.

The transportation sector is on the cusp of an electric revolution, with electric vehicles (EVs) gaining in affordability, range, and charging infrastructure accessibility. The International Energy Agency (2023) projects that EVs will represent over 20% of global car sales by 2025. This electrification trend is expanding beyond personal vehicles to include household appliances and even heavy industrial processes, offering a promise for widespread emissions reductions.

Green hydrogen emerges as a disruptive force, especially for industries where electrification faces challenges. Industries such as steel production and shipping, which require high energy density solutions, are looking towards green hydrogen, produced through electrolysis using renewable energy. McKinsey & Company (2022) estimate that clean hydrogen could meet 22% of the global final energy demand by 2050, highlighting its potential to revolutionize hard-to-abate sectors.

Market forces are increasingly aligning with environmental goals. Mechanisms such as carbon taxes and cap-and-trade programs compel polluters to internalize the costs of their emissions. The World Bank (2023) reports that, as of 2023, 78 countries and subnational jurisdictions have implemented carbon pricing, marking a significant shift towards cleaner business operations.


Our buildings, too, hold enormous potential for decarbonization. The movement towards modern, energy-efficient construction, along with retrofitting existing structures with better insulation, smart technology, and renewable energy systems, can significantly reduce their carbon footprint. The Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (2022) emphasizes the substantial emissions reductions achievable through the adoption of sustainable building practices worldwide.

However, the carbon footprint of our increasingly digital lives often goes unnoticed. The digital revolution, while bringing unprecedented connectivity and efficiency, also contributes significantly to global carbon emissions. Data centers, the backbone of the digital world, are estimated to account for about 1% of the global electricity demand, a number that is expected to grow (Masanet, Shehabi, & Lei, 2020). Furthermore, the IT sector as a whole contributes approximately 2-3% of global carbon emissions, a share comparable to that of the airline industry (IEA, 2020).

This burgeoning digital carbon footprint underscores the urgency for digital decarbonization. Initiatives to reduce the environmental impact of our digital activities are no longer optional but essential. Companies like Greenie Web are at the forefront of this movement, offering sustainability training for developers, assessing the emissions of websites and software, and employing code optimization techniques to reduce digital pollution. By minimizing the energy consumption and subsequent carbon footprint of digital solutions, Greenie Web exemplifies how technological innovation can align with environmental stewardship.

The pursuit of digital decarbonization is a vital component of our broader decarbonization efforts. It highlights the necessity of addressing both the visible and hidden sources of carbon emissions. As we continue to rely more on digital technologies, the role of digital sustainability becomes increasingly crucial. Companies and individuals alike must prioritize the reduction of their digital carbon footprint alongside traditional decarbonization measures.

The transformation is indeed underway. By embracing the principles of decarbonization, we pave the way for a future marked by clean innovation, enhanced efficiency, and a more habitable planet for all. As we look towards the horizon, it's evident that the future of decarbonization will be shaped by our ability to integrate sustainable practices across all sectors, including the digital realm. In doing so, we not only address the immediate challenges of climate change but also lay the groundwork for a resilient, thriving global community.



IEA. (2020). Data centres and data transmission networks. International Energy Agency.
Kobayashi, Y., & Schreffler, E. (2023). New Energy Outlook 2023. BloombergNEF.
Masanet, E., Shehabi, A., & Lei, N. (2020). Recalibrating global data center energy-use estimates. Science, 367(6481), 984-986. 
McKinsey & Company. (2022). The potential of hydrogen for decarbonisation.
The Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction. (2022). Global status report for buildings and construction.
The World Bank. (2023). Carbon Pricing Dashboard.




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