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KTC Feature: Unlocking Innovation - Why Businesses Thrive by Partnering with Universities

Wednesday May 15,2024 | IIE News


Jay Chandran



In today's fast-paced world, innovation is key to staying ahead. Research and development (R&D) investments are skyrocketing, reaching trillions of dollars. Half of this funding comes from governments and academic institutions (reference: McKinsey article "Building an R&D Strategy for Modern Times"). That's why startups, companies, venture builders/studios, and VCs are increasingly turning to universities for licensing technologies.


Benefits of Licensing Technologies from a University

  • Access to a Portfolio of Protected R&D:
    Universities are at the forefront of cutting-edge research and groundbreaking innovation. They continuously learn and impart knowledge to students, society, and industry. Academics also express their creativity through R&D and innovation. Licensing this protected intellectual property provides a starting point for further collaboration with the university. Additionally, university research often receives internal support for intellectual property protection.
  • Reduced Risk and Validation Time:
    License early-stage technologies to avoid "reinventing the wheel" and the risks associated with in-house development. These technologies have likely been validated by expert panels and industry forums during the development phase. Patented technologies can also provide a shield from lawsuits and offer a better market position.
  • Gaining a Competitive Advantage:
    Early-stage technology licensing allows you to be a first mover in the market. This can accelerate your go-to-market efforts, save on development expenditures, and attract better investor responses and exit valuations. Additionally, a university-backed technology can improve your brand image and provide access to university researchers and expertise.




Ready to unlock the next wave of innovation? Explore the technologies available for licensing from SMU Technology Offers.

Please feel free to reach out to Jay,


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