"A watering hole for Entrepreneurs, Innovators, Investors, Business Mentors and Industry Partners"

For aspiring entrepreneurs - Identify and engage business mentors, investors and technology providers through this network
For mentors and investors - Discover the next big company and work with talented entrepreneurs

"A watering hole for Entrepreneurs, Innovators, Investors, Business Mentors and Industry Partners"

For aspiring entrepreneurs - Identify and engage business mentors, investors and technology providers through this network
For mentors and investors - Discover the next big company and work with talented entrepreneurs
For the past 3+ years, Shao-Ning leads a portfolio life of being an angel investor, start up advisor and most importantly a mother (to four boys, 14 to 2+) She has a portfolio of 15 angel investments in her family portfolio. Two days a week, she works with EntrepreneurFirst, mentoring and advising deep technology start-ups. She also works as a consultant with EDIS Cares which focus on improving literacy and development for the underprivileged children in Singapore.

Learn, Adapt & Apply Business Models of world leaders


  • How the likes of Apple, Amazon, Alibaba, Facebook, WeChat, Airbnb
  • create, deliver and capture value in a VUCA world
  • disrupt entire industries



"A watering hole for Entrepreneurs, Innovators, Investors, Business Mentors and Industry Partners"

For aspiring entrepreneurs - Identify and engage business mentors, investors and technology providers through this network
For mentors and investors - Discover the next big company and work with talented entrepreneurs

Suresh Shankar is founder of Crayon Data, one of Asia’s hottest big data players. As a big data and analytics evangelist, Suresh has pioneered start-ups with entrepreneurial panache.

SMU Innovators & Entrepreneurs Lecture Series invites successful innovators and entrepreneurs to share valuable lessons from their successes, failures and their thoughts on new innovations and disruptions. In line with IIE’s mission to nurture and grow an innovation culture and entrepreneurial community in SMU and beyond, the series will be held 4 times per academic term.

SMU Innovators & Entrepreneurs Lecture Series invites successful innovators and entrepreneurs to share valuable lessons from their successes, failures and their thoughts on new innovations and disruptions. In line with IIE’s mission to nurture and grow an innovation culture and entrepreneurial community in SMU and beyond, the series will be held 4 times per academic term.

Winning today isn’t about beating the competition at the old game. It’s about inventing a whole new game—defining a new market category, developing it, and dominating it over time. You can’t build a legendary company without building a legendary category. If you think that having the best product is all it takes to win, you’re going to lose.


The category is the new strategy.


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